
block of block on sand and stone
earthly burried hidden ore
nightly saddened by the tone
as the rock my heart too tore
set you, sun, below the water
torches light my cavern wide
give to me your pretty daughter
diamond, gold and glooming bright.
picking through the dust of ages
mining rock and kilobyte
below in depth the lava rages
beauty of the pixeled sight.
rising 'bove the higher ground
climbing mountains, chopping wood,
suddenly, behind me, sound
hissing greenly mobs afoot!
fly against such foe, my arrow,
closing in on my location!
but too late, the gap too narrow
loudly comes the detonation!

silence, night was lost to bombings
respawned me so far away
hurry! must find my belongings
before, as i did, they decay.
digging, deeply to the ore
through the rock and stone
never seen a dinosaur
not even a turkey bone!
hours spent i days
beneath the surface?
crawling through a maze
i built a second furnace.
with unresting pace
i melt the kinds of ore
return to my improptu base
as soon the stack hits sixty-four.

light, my torch, the way
back to my homely hood,
built for eternity in clay
and sturdy doors of wood.
up, as high as i can jump
which isn't just so high
placing earth with heavy *thump*
i shall reach the surface nigh,
neatly calculated hollow
filled with gravel, earth and coal
lost my compass, only follow
to the surface by my soul.
rising block by block
back to the cows and trees
and pigs and my sheeply flock
to clouds and pixeled breeze!

sand! what precious sign!
the digging soon be done,
but no! i dug beneath the sea,
my cavern flooded by the water
i never may return to thee.
the sun now sets and kissed
the mountain, far away
saddened i feel, also pissed
a mine was lost today
to an ever evil wave.
to find my home i build a raft
the press escape to save,
the night is young, this place a draft
of mines i've yet to craft.

Creative Commons License
minecraft by deus ex macchiato is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at www.minecraft.net.

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